Mon, 26 December 2011
This week! After a special Christmas greeting from the hosts, they talk about the following game tapes: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Call of Duty: Black Ops, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Tetris, Pushmo, Swapnote, Mighty Switch Force, Super Mario 3D Land, Sonic Generations, And Yet It Moves, Magicka, VVVVVV. Plus! Steam sales, the lack of legitimate kid-game reviews, and favorite Christmas specials. Be sure to enter our Humble Indy Bundle Gift Code Contest! And remember to tune in next week for our 2011 Awards Extravaganza! Check out Greg's new web series Generation 16 - click here. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:20:09 |
Sun, 18 December 2011
This week! We talk about the following game tapes: Super Mario 3D Land, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Pushmo, Sonic CD, the Humble Indie Bundle, Rage, InFamous 2. Plus! The 3DS gets the GBA Ambassador games, Club Nintendo offering downloadable games, PlayStation Vita, holiday-themed gaming traditions, Pokemon Warriors and more. Check out Greg's new web series Generation 16 - click here. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:14:00 |
Mon, 12 December 2011
This week! We talk about the following game tapes: Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Pushmo, Trine 2 and Tomb Raider: Underworld. Plus! New updates for the Xbox 360 dashboard and 3DS systems, Miyamoto "retiring," and the Spike VGAs. Check out Greg's new web series Generation 16 - click here. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:05:00 |
Sun, 4 December 2011
This week! We talk about the following game tapes: Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Infinity Blade 2, Voltron: Defender of the Universe and House of the Dead Overkill Extended Cut. Plus! GamePro closing down, Vita PSN accounts and memory pricing, and Xenoblade Chronicles being released in North America Check out Greg's new web series Generation 16 - click here. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:27:10 |
Mon, 28 November 2011
This week! More baby talk up front, then we launch into the game talk with Super Mario 3D Land, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Sonic Generations, Uncharted 3 (SPOILERS from 54:25 to 1:03:10), Jurassic Park, Rayman Origins, and Skyrim. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:20:00 |
Sun, 20 November 2011
This week! Some baby talk up front (bear with us) then we launch into the game talk with Super Mario 3D Land, Batman: Arkham City (SPOILERS from 26:25 to 37:40), Uncharted 3 (SPOILERS up to Chapter 17 through 53:30), Jurassic Park, Halo Anniversary, Kinect Disneyland Adventure, Rayman Origins and Saints Row: The Third. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:32:30 |
Mon, 14 November 2011
This week! With CJ away rearing children, the boys bust the 1-hour rule to bring you a huge 'cast. Games discussed include: Crysis 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Batman: Arkham City (Spoiler alert), Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Spoiler alert), Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Shinobi 3DS, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, and Need For Speed: The Run. If that's not enough, you also get engaging discussions about diaper changes, the coolest things we own, sexism in the maternity ward, and California Marriage Law! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:54:06 |
Sun, 6 November 2011
This week! The biggest news of the week might've been the trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, but instead of talk about what's far in the future we talk about what's in the now. Namely, Uncharted 3 and Sonic Generations. Plus some other stuff and books. But not Grand Theft Auto. So if that's what you want, we're sure there are other podcasts that'll give you that. This one is all Uncharted and Sonic. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:16:00 |
Sun, 30 October 2011
This week! It's a spooktacular Halloween episode of Player One that is barely Halloween-themed at all. Instead, we talk about the games we've been spending time with over the last week, including Daytona USA, Pixeljunk Sidescroller, Infamous: Festival of Blood, Batman: Arkham City, and Battlefield 3. Plus, we talk game reviews! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:12:15 |
Sun, 23 October 2011
This week! Get your capes and cowls ready 'cuz we're talking Arkham City (non-spoilery). And after that we take a quick tour into the disappointing Ratchet & Clank All 4 One. Plus: Bring Me Sandwiches, Need for Speed: The Run demo, Burnout Crash, Xbox 1 classics, Vita release date, new system rumors, good/bad demos, underrated SNES/Genesis classics, games of the year, and fire alarms. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:19:49 |
Mon, 17 October 2011
This week! It's been five years since we began this podcasting journey, and we continue it in the usual fashion: discussing the game tapes that we played this week. That includes Resistance 3, Forza 4, Guardian Heroes, Scribblenauts Remix, Ico, Greg's Sega CD marathon, Saturn accessories, hiding content behind online passes. Plus, parenting/baby stuff! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:05:56 |
Mon, 10 October 2011
This week! We do an extended segment on the games we imported. But first, we talk about the game tapes we played this week which includes the Forza 4 demo, Bulletstorm, Ico HD, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition, Outland, and Xenoblade Chronicles. Plus! You can donate (and spread the word) about Greg Sewart's involvement in this year's Extra Life game-a-thon. Check out this link for more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:50:35 |
Sun, 2 October 2011
This week! With CJ out on a babymoon, Greg and Phil are joined by Mike from The Fanboys Lunchcast for an hour-and-change of video game talk. That includes discussion of the Arkham City spoiler debacle, Uncharted 3, Cream Soda, Gears of War 3, Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, Renegade Ops, Bulletstorm and Child of Eden. Plus! You can donate (and spread the word) about Greg Sewart's involvement in this year's Extra Life game-a-thon. Check out this link for more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:12:59 |
Tue, 27 September 2011
This week! Like most weeks, it's all games & babies. That includes: Back to the Future, Burnout Crash, Resident Evil 4 HD, God of War Origins Collection, NHL 12, Gears of War 3, plus more baby talk. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:16:35 |
Mon, 19 September 2011
This week! Some Frankenstick, some Vita, some Netflix/Qwikster, a failed Ratchet & Clank All 4 One chat, Game Club on Gargoyle's Quest (Game Boy), plus the most valuable games in our collections, region locking on Vita, remakes, Kirby, Star Wars, fall TV and more! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:22:14 |
Mon, 12 September 2011
This week! We talk a little bit about video games and then a lot about the wedding weekend of our friends Mike & Katie and the various things we did. If you're here for the vidya games then we talked about the Nintendo 3DS second analog add-on, a little about Bloodrayne Betrayal, some Jetpack Joyride, a little (very little) Resistance 3, Harmonix's VidRhythm and some InFamous 2. Then the rest of the show is all non-game-stuff - stories and happenings from a wedding you didn't attend yet might still be entertaining to listen to. Next week we promise more video game talk; at least we'll be doing our Gargoyle's Quest (GB Virtual Console) Game Club, so you have that to look forward to. Until then, enjoy this. And congratulations on the nuptials, Mike & Katie! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's link: Running time: 1:45:26 |
Mon, 5 September 2011
This week! We talk 3DS Ambassador program, Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (trial), Rock of Ages (trial), Driver San Francisco (demo), Dreamcast, God of War Origins (demo), Jetpack Joyride, and fatherhood tips. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:21:01 |
Mon, 29 August 2011
This week! We talk a little bit about video games but mostly it's the return of the Player One Daddycast, plus tweets (and those are about games). Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's links: Running time: 1:10:35 |
Tue, 23 August 2011
This week! Phil and CJ are joined by their soon to be married friend Mike to talk video games, 3D remakes, pizza, the digital download future, marriage, babies and oh so much more. Join us, won't you? Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:23:10 |
Mon, 15 August 2011
This week! It's not really over, and we're back to talk about video games, babies, Nintendo going third party, people don't want Vita, Back to the Future oddness/lack of gaming skill, and oh so much more. Welcome back! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:04:15 |
Thu, 11 August 2011
This week! It's been 250 weeks, all leading to this. Sit back, relax and enjoy as your hosts Greg, Phil and CJ discuss Brittany Spears, gaming, pop culture, life and snacks from foreign lands before riding off into the sunset. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:25:19 |
Tue, 2 August 2011
This week! Nintendo drops the price of the 3DS by $80, offers early adopters 20 free games and leaves the Sony Vita at 250 bones. Plus: Game Dev Story, Groovecoaster, Bastion, From Dust, the Humble Indie Bundle, Mirror's Edge, Thundercats, reboots, favorite movies and so much more. Plus, special guest Mik from The Fanboys Lunchcast. Check out that damn fine podcast at Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:16:08 |
Sun, 24 July 2011
This week! We talk about gaming in an extra D, The Never Ending Story, the Mega Man Legends 3 cancellation, Bastion, The Never Ending Story, Paper Mario, Child of Eden, 3D Classics Xevious and The Never Ending Story. And there's some other stuff thrown in there too, but you'll just have to listen for yourself. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's links: Running time: 1:02:38 |
Sun, 17 July 2011
This week! We talk about more PS3 hard drive upgrades, the Catherine demo, the El Shaddai demo, Ms. Splosion Man, Gran Turismo 5, Harry Potter (the film), and plenty more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:03:10 |
Mon, 11 July 2011
This week! Some video game talk mixed in with other stuff about DVD collections and Lord of the Rings. Expect to hear us discussing Ocarina of Time 3D, LA Noire, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, and Child of Eden. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:05:57 |
Mon, 4 July 2011
This week! We delve into such hot topics as Nintendo's Platinum award prize, the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Trenched, Galaga Legions DX and so much more. Happy Independence Day! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:14:33 |
Mon, 27 June 2011
This week! Ocarina of Time 3D, LA Noire, the Sonic Generations demo, changing out the PS3 hard drive, Internet petitions, Mega Man Xes, game vacation days, strange & unique games for Wii, and so much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:04:10 |
Mon, 20 June 2011
This week! We are joined by special guest mik from The Fanboys Lunchcast who comes bearing Child of Eden and Duke Nukem Forever impressions. Plus, it's not on rails, new TVs, Pokédexes, LA Noires, and Donkey Kong '94, amongst other things. Join us! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's links: Running time: 1:15:03 |
Tue, 14 June 2011
This week! It's E3 time, and though none of us actually went to the show, some of us watched the press conferences, announcements and trailers with interest. Join us as we talk about Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo's press conferences. Including disdain for Kinect, 3D and confusingly vague new system announcements. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's links: Running time: 1:39:03 |
Mon, 6 June 2011
This week! The PlayStation Store returns and we choose our games and download them (or don't), plus we talk about the InFamous 2 demo, E3 memories and the stuff we're looking forward to at this year's show, the 3DS eShop, cable TV through a console, Nintendo's new console and so much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:17:44 |
Wed, 1 June 2011
This week! We talk about PlayStation Vita (specifically, the name), Activision's Call of Duty Elite service and "premium" game features, LA Noire, and much more! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:11:59 |
Tue, 24 May 2011
This week! LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, LA Noire (maybe spoilery but we didn't go into much detail storewide), Marvel Pinball Fantastic Four, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Reverie, PSP HD Remakes on PS3, E3 excitement, paying attention to hype/pre-release coverage and oh so much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:15:54 |
Mon, 16 May 2011
This week! Mortal Kombat, Modern Warfare 3 leaks, E3 excitement, Friday the 13th, Laser Cat, Mr. Ninja, Monkey Labour and Evan Dorkin stories. Enjoy! Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:07:37 |
Sat, 7 May 2011
This week! PSN still down, Nintendo drops the price of the Wii, Guardian Heroes remake on XBLA, IGN buys UGO/1UP, favorite game titles, iphone game recommendations, new Xbox 360 hardware(?), Mortal Kombat, Bangai-O, Batman Brave and the Bold, Rock Band, and MORE! Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:20:53 |
Mon, 2 May 2011
This week! Sony's network woes continue, hype that didn't pay off, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, De Blob 2, Killzone 3, Mortal Kombat, Portal 2 and more. Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:06:37 |
Wed, 27 April 2011
This week! We talk about PSN being down, the Wii successor, the 3DS and, of course, Portal 2. Oh, and Encarta. Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:37:52 |
Mon, 18 April 2011
This week! We're down a Ford, but we soldier on and talk about Wii 2, Portal 2, Killzone 3, Catan, 3DS sales, Yakuza 3, Android, and more! How's that for a comprehensive description. Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:05:59 |
Mon, 11 April 2011
This week! NASCAR, Shift 2 Unleashed, Doctor Who DS, Sonic Colors, Dead Space 2, more lost portable game systems, publisher logins, PlayStation cloud saves and Nintendo is for babies. Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:15:17 |
Sun, 3 April 2011
This week the boys all got a 3DS (except Ford, but we replaced him with a fanboy), and they spend an hour talking about the hardware and its games. Topics of discussion include Pilotwings, Ridge Racer 3D, Samurai Warriors, Super Street Fighter IV 3D, and Nintendogs & Cats. Special thanks to Mik of The Fanboys Lunchcast for joining us this episode! Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:18:26 |
Mon, 28 March 2011
This week! We go on a film tangent early on but eventually get around to talking about our 3DS plans (this episode was recorded before Sunday's release) and an update of Phil's Bioware/EA DLC license transfer woes. Then it's onto the games we've been playing this week, including Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, Tapper World Tour, Dead Space 2 and Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime. Join us, won't you? Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:15:38
Wed, 23 March 2011
This week! We've got our Beyond Good & Evil Game Club plus tales of customer service, more dead 360s and more. Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's links: Running time: 1:30:00
Sun, 13 March 2011
This week! We're down a Greg, but that's OK since we spend half of this week's episode talking about Pokémon Black & White and the other half talking about franchises. Please donate to the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific. Click here to go to the donation form! You can also donate through your iTunes account by clicking here. Or your account by clicking here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:15:39
Mon, 7 March 2011
This week! A little GDC (3DS/NGP), Great Gatsby, BIT.TRIP RUNNER, Days of Thunder, Dead Space 2: Severed, Zelda memories, Dreamcast or Saturn, Super Mario 3DS, character idle animations and oh so much more. Like Flubber. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's link: Running time: 1:15:37
Sun, 27 February 2011
This week! We talk about the handheld war of old - The Nintendo Game Boy vs. Atari Lynx vs. Sega Game Gear vs. Turbo Express. And we throw a little bit of 3DS talk in there as well - after all, it just launched in Japan and we're a month away from the stateside release. Enjoy! This week! More red rings, new E3 policies, the shutdown of Bizarre Creations, plus Hard Corps Uprising, the Xbox Live House Party, difficulties in retro remakes/updates, Back to the Future: The Game, Stacking and PlayStation Plus. All in less than 90 minutes. This week! We dedicate half of the episode to talking about Dead Space 2 (alert: spoilers ahead). But don't worry - the spoiler talk isn't until the second half of the episode. We start off with other stuff - Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter IV 3DS, Halo: Reach, Stacking, Activision retiring Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero, retro 3D updates, Sega CD games, the next generation and much much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:12:32
Mon, 21 February 2011
This week! More red rings, new E3 policies, the shutdown of Bizarre Creations, plus Hard Corps Uprising, the Xbox Live House Party, difficulties in retro remakes/updates, Back to the Future: The Game, Stacking and PlayStation Plus. All in less than 90 minutes. This week! We dedicate half of the episode to talking about Dead Space 2 (alert: spoilers ahead). But don't worry - the spoiler talk isn't until the second half of the episode. We start off with other stuff - Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter IV 3DS, Halo: Reach, Stacking, Activision retiring Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero, retro 3D updates, Sega CD games, the next generation and much much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:19:04
Sun, 13 February 2011
This week! We dedicate half of the episode to talking about Dead Space 2 (alert: spoilers ahead). But don't worry - the spoiler talk isn't until the second half of the episode. We start off with other stuff - Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter IV 3DS, Halo: Reach, Stacking, Activision retiring Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero, retro 3D updates, Sega CD games, the next generation and much much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:55:03
Sun, 6 February 2011
In this week's exciting episode of the Player One Podcast! Tales of post high school exploits, adventure on the high seas, getting stuck in dumb places in video games, a little more NGP conversation, Culture Brain, and discussion of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 and Dead Space 2. Join us, won't you? Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:41:15
This week's links: |
Sun, 30 January 2011
This week! We talk about Sony's Next Generation Portable announcement, Bulletstorm (demo), Little Big Planet 2 and last week's big release, Dead Space 2. Plus lots more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:32:37
This week's links: |
Sun, 23 January 2011
This week! 3DS, Steam on PS3, DKCR, Dead Space (the original), wrestling, Princess Bride and a whole heckuva lot more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:30:41
Sat, 15 January 2011
This week! We talk about the games of last year as if we're still playing them. Because we are. That includes Donkey Kong Country Returns, EA Sports Active 2, Raskulls, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Picross 3D, Limbo, Halo Reach and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Plus who we are, 3DS, preorders, digital downloads and much more. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:26:11
Mon, 10 January 2011
This week! Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Gran Turismo 5, Tron: Evolution, Tetris PSN, Minotaur Attack, Sly 2 and more! Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:36:07
Mon, 3 January 2011
This week! We spend the entire podcast talking about our Top 5 favorite games (plus portable and downloadables) of 2010. Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content (soon, once we figure out what that is). Click here to download. Got an Android device? You can now download our app on the Android Marketplace. Find out all about it here. Follow us on twitter at Thanks for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling 713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! Running time: 1:44:45