Wed, 29 November 2006
This week it's all about Xbox 360: Year One. The ups, downs, and everywhere in between. We talk about microtransactions, Xbox Live Arcade, the January-March game drought, the digital distribution model, achievements, online play, everything Xbox 360.
Naturally we also do a What'cha Been Playing segment at the beginning where we discuss Elite Beat Agents, Zelda on Wii, Resistance and Ridge Racer on PS3, and Bonk's Adventure. And sandwiched in at the end of this episode is a section where we read back some of your feedback. Be sure to send us e-mail or an audio comment, leave a comment on our blog page or Skype voicemail. We'll talk about and play some of that on future shows. |
Mon, 27 November 2006
You may be wondering, "why isn't there a new episode up this morning?" Well, thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday, travel schedules and regular-job duties, there won't be a new episode up today. Instead, we will post Episode 05 on Wednesday, followed by Episode 06 next Monday (and then it's back to the regular schedule). Thanks for your patience and understanding. And to tease it, on Wednesday's show, one of the things we'll be talking about is the Xbox 360's first year -- good, bad, ugly. Join us, won't you?
-- posted at: 10:07am EST
Mon, 20 November 2006
Episode 04, 11/20/06
This week we talk all about the system launches, PlayStation 3 and Wii. Ex-GameNOW and GameSpy editor Phil Theobald joins Chris & Greg for the discussion, where we discuss the lines, the shortages, getting the systems home, the games, and more. So much more that this is a much longer show that normal. Also interspersed within the show are various interviews CJ did with people who lined up in Houston for the systems, both PS3 and Wii. You probably won't be all that shocked to hear that most of the folks waiting for PS3 had just one thing in mind: making money on eBay. The Nintendo crowd was a much more gamer-centric bunch. We also say goodbye to the awesome folks at the Official US PlayStation Magazine, whose January 2007 issue will be their last. We will miss you guys, thanks for making a great magazine. Be sure to download their last podcast if you haven't already. Send comments to, leave them on our blog page at or leave us an audio comment via Skype at username playeronepodcast. Tell your friends, leave us a review on iTunes, tell us what we're doing right/wrong. |
Mon, 13 November 2006
Obviously, next week's show is going to talk heavily about the hardware launches that are happening in North America at the end of this week and this weekend (PS3 and Wii). While we're going to have some of our own launch stories to tell, we'd also like to hear yours.
So, how can you get us your story? You can drop a comment here on this blog entry, write us an e-mail or send us an audio file with your tale of woe/triumph at or you can leave us Skype voicemail by Skyping playeronepodcast. Tell us about your line experiences, your pre-order pick-ups, the weird folk you were in line with, etc. Oh, and if you wanna include what you think of your launch purchase, do that too. Did you buy that PS3 just to eBay it you sorry sonuva... *shakes fist* You won't win anything if we include your story on the 'cast, but you will get to live in infamy. Or something. Oh and don't be shy, leave us a comment on anything else you'd like, too. While we're relatively new to this whole podcasting thing, we want to craft a show that you guys are going to enjoy listening to. So tell us what you think. Thanks!
-- posted at: 8:38pm EST
Mon, 13 November 2006
It's a crazy-stuffed episode for an insanity-filled hardware launch week. In this episode, we:
- Talk about what we've been playing, mainly Gears of War and Wii since CJ got some extended playtime with Zelda and Excite Truck this weekend. - Talk about PlayStation 3 launch games being delayed/canceled in the last week and what that could mean for the system's short-term future. - After a quick musical interlude we discuss Nolan Bushnell's comments that Sony could fail with PS3. Could one of the industry's founders have something there? - SPECIAL GUEST: This week we have a special interview with John Lee, Director of Marketing for Hudson Entertainment where we talk about the company's plans on Wii's Virtual Console and even get a tidbit in there about Xbox Live Arcade support. Visit to get a glimpse of their offerings. - Finally, we close this week's 'cast by talking about Microsoft's new initiative to sell video content (TV shows and movies) via Xbox Live Marketplace. Are any of us really gonna use this service regularly? Leave us your feedback, give us a review on iTunes, whatever you like. We may even read some of the feedback on a future show. |
Mon, 6 November 2006
In this episode ex-video game journo Chris and freelancer extraordinaire Greg:
- Blatantly thieve the "what'cha been playin'" segment popular in many podcasts and use it to talk about Final Fantasy XII, Sam & Max, Phantasy Star Universe, Elite Beat Agents, DDR and Strawberry Shortcake(!). - Talk about preorders. Gears of War, the various Halo 3 editions, and Gamestop's ability to sell you slips of paper that say you have a game on reserve a year before it's due out. - Talk about microtransactions (again). EA being a repeat offender with Need For Speed Carbon. We also take some time to talk about the pricing of Nintendo/Sega/TG-16 virtual console stuff. Somewhere in there we also stray into talking about the failures of Xbox Live Arcade. - ...and in the last segment we reminisce a little bit with stories of system launches / launch windows past from the perspective of working at a video game magazine. Enjoy! Post comments here on our blog page ( or e-mail us at |