Sun, 14 October 2007
There's a fine line between a good game and complete crap. Last week saw the release of Yaris on Xbox Live Arcade. Our stance on it...pretty clear. Game of the YEAR. OK, not really. It's not even terribly effective as an advergame. Take a listen to this episode and you'll hear our opinions of Yaris, The Orange Box, Puzzle Quest, Hot PXL, Rock Band, MLB Power Pros, Ratchet & Clank Future (demo), Warriors Orochi, Phantom Hourglass and Halo 3. Plus we discuss a few of the news stories that caught our eyes over the last week.
Next week is our One-Year Anniversary Extravaganza. We'll be playing lots of voicemails, most likely. So call, email us an MP3 message, leave us an Odeo message via our blogpage. Whatever you'd like. The voicemail number is 713-893-8069, our email addy is Oh, and don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already! This week's links: Yaris Castaway Entertainment GameLife: Interview with Perrin Kaplan GamePro gets rid of pseudonyms |